Our main mission is to find legal strategies to allow our clients to carry out their entrepreneurial activities always going one step forward.

About us

LEAL ISLA es un apellido de tradición en Monterrey. Surge con el Lic. Carlos Leal Isla, quién ejerció la profesión en forma destacada desde fines del siglo XIX hasta la década de 1930. Le siguieron sus hijos, los licenciados Rodolfo y Rubén Leal Isla, el primero como juez, Procurador de Justicia y Magistrado en el Estado de Nuevo León; y el segundo como juez y posteriormente Notario Público número 8 con ejercicio en Monterrey, de 1942 a 1980.

Dicho encargo fue continuado por el Lic. Rubén Leal Isla Macías, hasta 1994. Actualmente existen diversos abogados de apellido Leal Isla en Monterrey. Con más de 100 años de presencia continua en el medio jurídico del Estado, el apellido se consolida con el despacho LEAL ISLA & HORVÁTH, añadiendo a la tradición el valor de la internacionalidad, así como las prácticas en los cuales somos expertos reconocidos.

“Our services focus on our clients achieving their business goals, as well as their specific needs, supporting them with our specialized knowledge and providing them with the best service from different legal and business perspectives.”


More than 25 years of specialized experience in labor, commercial and international law, serving as official in the Conciliation and Arbitration Board of Nuevo León (1992-1995), Associate of Baker & McKenzie (1999; 2001-2007), former President of the Nuevo León Chapter of the Mexican Bar Association (2010-2012), and partner in Leal Isla & Horváth, SC (2007-Present), among others.
Recognized by Chambers (2010), Who's Who (2014) and Best Lawyers (2019). Acquisition of numerous postgraduate degrees in DIP, international trade, comparative law, international dispute resolution and energy law from the University of Paris II, Fordham Law School (NY) and UDEM.

Relevant experience in corporate and business law, as well as Venture Capital and Private Equity deals for the past 10 years in Mexico and in cross-border transactions with a strong network of relationships enabling to support clients with sophisticated legal services, as well as with important networking connections in order to help grow their businesses.
Experience in real estate investments, representing multinational companies in their corporate affairs, advising in contract negotiations, purchase of assets agreements, represent family offices regarding their investments in start-ups, including due-diligence process and term-sheet drafting; and designing corporate governance and trust instruments for business and personal purposes.

Experience in labor, real estate, administrative, corporate and commercial law at the law firms Serna & Asociados (2007-2008) and Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton (2009); and Secretary of the Committee for Relations with the Media of the College of Mediators of Nuevo León (2008).

Invited by the University of Berkeley in California to participate in various International Leadership events, and participated in the VIS10N project in the Mexico Initiative, remaining one of the best projects in its category. He has been a participant and speaker at various National Labor Law Assemblies. and Social Welfare, as well as a participant in the XV Ibero-American Congress of Law and Information Technology.

Our high leveled education from top universities and our experience acquired in important institutions in the private and public sectors allow us to render services with the highest quality in our respective areas of specialization.